RINA Wireless selects Ericsson to bring 5G to rural America

  • RINA Wireless and Ericsson continue their partnership with the introduction of Cloud Packet Core for 5G to RINA’s existing Ericsson 4G Core and RAN.
  • RINA’s 27 carriers (and 9 partners) will have access to 5G services once devices to support 5G functionality are commercially available.

The Rural Independent Network Alliance (RINA Wireless), a peer-to-peer association of independent Communication Service Providers (CSPs), is pleased to announce that it has expanded its partnership with Ericsson to bring Ericsson Cloud Packet Core for 5G to their network.

Under the agreement, Ericsson will evolve RINA Wireless’s core network for existing services and introduce 5G networks quickly and effectively to its infrastructure. The capabilities will be in addition to RINA’s existing 4G Evolved Packet Core (EPC) and Radio Access Network (RAN) infrastructure, already delivered by Ericsson.

Dennie Mecham, Chief Operations Officer for RINA Wireless, said, “RINA Wireless has long provided quality network switching, hosting services and the latest technology to our members in a prompt and complete manner. With the advancement of 5G in the marketplace, the continuation of our Ericsson partnership and introduction of 5G EPC is critical and highlights RINA’s technology leadership.”

The partnership advances RINA Wireless’s competitive capabilities, making 5G an option as soon as 5G devices are commercially available and ensuring customers in rural areas supported by RINA Wireless have access to the latest technology innovations.

“We’re thrilled to expand our partnership with RINA Wireless to deliver best-in-class network technology to its customers, and further advance the availability of 5G connectivity to end users in rural communities,” stated Rob Johnson, Head of Customer Unit Regional Carriers for Ericsson North America. “Now RINA Wireless end users in states like Utah, Alaska, Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado and Oregon will have access to 5G as soon as they pick up a 5G device.”


RINA Wireless is an LLC company that hosts multiple carriers/operators for many of their wireless needs in several states. RINA Wireless is owned and operated by carriers for carriers, much like a cooperative, to keep switching/core costs affordable for rural and regional carriers. RINA Wireless has been hosting carriers since 2005 and has a team of professionals to handle any needs that wireless carriers may have. RINA Wireless can provide your IMS, VoLTE, VoWiFi, CBRS, LTE and now 5G services making any companies wireless deployments much easier and affordable. rinawireless.com


Ericsson enables communications service providers to capture the full value of connectivity. The company’s portfolio spans Networks, Digital Services, Managed Services, and Emerging Business and is designed to help our customers go digital, increase efficiency and find new revenue streams. Ericsson’s investments in innovation have delivered the benefits of telephony and mobile broadband to billions of people around the world. The Ericsson stock is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm and on Nasdaq New York. ericsson.com

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