ASTAC Joins the RINA Wireless Network

ASTAC Becomes the newest Capital Member in RINA Wireless

The Rural Independent Network Alliance (RINA Wireless) welcomes its newest capital member, Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative, Inc. (ASTAC). As a full-service wireless provider offering both fixed and mobile voice and data solutions, including equipment sales and service to the North Slope region of Alaska, ASTAC joins RINA Wireless as another switching partner that aggregate wireless technology solutions to serve rural America.

“We are pleased to join RINA Wireless to consolidate our LTE switching services to ensure that our customers have the mobility they deserve,” said Brian DeMarco, ASTAC Director of Wireless Networks. “RINA Wireless offers ASTAC the ability to operate our LTE network in a more efficient and affordable way so that we can continue our commitment to closing the technology gap across the North Slope. We feel strongly that this move will enhance our customers’ experience.”

RINA Wireless continues to expand its service offerings to the nation’s rural wireless providers. With 27 carriers throughout 17 states, RINA Wireless is committed to serving rural America. RINA Wireless creates partnerships so that rural consumers have access to modern communications services, working hard to maintain these valuable connections, irrespective of geography.

“RINA Wireless welcomes ASTAC as a capital member and our newest switching partner,” said Dennie Mecham, COO, RINA Wireless. “Rural wireless providers must join forces and leverage each other’s strengths in order to keep up with the pace of technology and customer expectations.”

About RINA Wireless
The RINA Wireless Networks is a cooperative, peer-to-peer combination of independent Communication Service Providers (CSPs) joining forces to secure the future of rural America, currently hosting multiple carriers in five states with all the services needed to be in complete compliance with service offerings that Tier 1 carriers deliver. Providing wireless switching services, core hosting and investment in infrastructure, RINA Wireless has been hosting carriers for over 15 years, making them a proven, reliable source for hosting other carriers today. RINA Wireless helps to mitigate business and technology risk to yield successful and profitable deployment of mobile network services. RINA Wireless believes in rural America and in the virtues of independence, community, and family. We also believe that irrespective of geography, every individual should have access to modern communications services that maintain those valuable connections. rinawireless.com

ASTAC provides Broadband Ethernet and Internet, 4GLTE wireless as well as local and long-distance services across the North Slope. Additionally, ASTAC offers a Nomadic WAN and Internet service using the North Slope’s only private LTE network covering the oil fields. astac.net

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